There are three characteristics that define a true disciple of Jesus:
1) A disciple is a follower – their aim is to follow Him from the
point of salvation.
2) A disciple is a learner – it is a pursuit of learning from Jesus
through the written Word, the Bible.
3) A disciple is obedient – the disciple of Jesus continues to
integrate His instructions in their daily living.
With these criteria in mind, join us along our pathway as we aim to know Jesus better.

Embark on the journey of discovering who Jesus Christ is. We believe the Bible contains all the information needed to learn who Jesus is.
Connect with us as we make it our aim to pursue Him through worship and being equipped to serve one another and our community.

Whether through Sunday morning small groups, various Bible studies, or discipleship and evangelistic training, you will be afforded opportunities to grow in Christ.
We believe that the mission of the local church is to "go and make disciples." We are encouraged to seek and save the lost.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Walking Daily with Christ
We desire to help others discover the claims of Jesus as found in the Bible. Don’t take our word for it—go straight to the Source (the Scriptures) and discover who Jesus says He is.
As you discover the truths of Jesus, we hope that you will connect with our local church by becoming a member and join us as we pursue Jesus.
We have several opportunities to grow in Christ. Whether through worship, Sunday morning small groups, Bible studies, discipleship and evangelism training, we are encouraged to walk with Christ.
Ultimately, the growth of the Christian is to go. We believe that the mission of the local church is to “go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:20).